March 6, 2024

How to Generate Real Estate Leads in 2024 - 8 Strategies for Success

To set yourself up for consistent success in the real estate industry, you need a steady stream of potential clients in your pipeline — at all times.

If that sounds like the pressure is on ... it’s because it is.

Prospective buyers and sellers can choose to work with whomever they want. And with competitors vying for their attention, standing out also requires strategy and intention.

That’s why building lead-generation strategies into your marketing schedule is crucial to help you attract and nurture potential leads.

Let’s take a closer look at what lead generation is, why it matters, and eight lead generation strategies you can start implementing right away.

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation means finding and nurturing prospective clients for your business using specific marketing methods.

This important process helps businesses of all sizes connect with new customers, boost sales, and grow their brand presence.

In the real estate industry, lead generation tactics help real estate professionals find and nurture potential sellers and buyers.

Why Is Lead Generation Important?

Lead generation plays a pivotal role in any successful marketing strategy.

It’s the driving force behind business growth, customer base expansion, and revenue.

With effective lead generation strategies, such as email marketing, content creation, and social media marketing, you can engage with potential customers, nurture relationships, and convert leads into loyal clients.

Top 8 Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies

Now that we’re clear on the basics, let’s examine eight straightforward strategies for generating leads for your real estate business.

1. Cold Outreach - Not Just Cold Calling

Incorporate cold outreach time — beyond cold calling — into your lead-generation approach.

Consider adding the following cold outreach tactics to your marketing schedule:

Cold Emailing


  • Provides a platform to showcase property listings effectively
  • Cost-effective method to reach a large audience
  • Allows for personalized and targeted messaging


  • Requires time and effort to craft compelling emails
  • Risk of messages being marked as spam

How to Implement as a Real Estate Agent:

  • Build a targeted email list
  • Tailor your messages with property photos and details
  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) for recipients to engage with you
Social Media Messaging


  • Promotes quick and direct communication with potential clients
  • Offers a platform to showcase property photos and videos
  • Facilitates building relationships with followers


  • Potential for messages to get lost in crowded inboxes
  • Requires consistent monitoring and engagement

How to Implement as a Real Estate Agent:

  • Use direct messaging to schedule property viewings or answer inquiries
  • Engage with followers and respond promptly to messages
  • Share engaging content and property updates


  • High open and response rates compared to other communication channels
  • Immediately deliver messages to potential clients

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  • Risk of coming across as intrusive if overused
  • Limited space for detailed property information

How to Implement as a Real Estate Agent:

  • Obtain permission before sending promotional messages
  • Keep messages concise and informative
  • Use SMS to share exclusive property previews or event invites
Direct Mail Campaigns


  • Provides the opportunity for creative and visually appealing presentations
  • Can target specific neighborhoods or demographics effectively
  • Tangible marketing material that stands out in a digital world


  • Response rates may vary depending on the quality of the campaign
  • Higher costs associated with design, printing, and postage

How to Implement as a Real Estate Agent:

  • Design eye-catching postcards or brochures featuring your listings
  • Target specific areas where you want to attract buyers or sellers
  • Include a clear CTA and contact information for recipients to reach out

2. Get Social (Media)

Show up consistently on social media platforms to firm up your online presence and engage with your ideal clients.

The right social media marketing strategy can also help you automate the lead-generation process.

For instance, consider setting up targeted social media ads and lead magnet funnel campaigns. You can also try automated DM campaigns on Instagram to see how your audience responds.

Some social media platforms to consider showing up on include:

  • X (formerly Twitter)
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok

To make these channels work for you, consider your target audience and marketing goals. For instance, you might prioritize LinkedIn and Facebook if you target mostly businesses, investors, and professionals looking to relocate.

If you target first-time homeowners or younger demographics, you might prioritize Instagram and TikTok.

Your best bet? Test each of these platforms to uncover which ones help you generate the most leads.

To make social media marketing less stressful, consider scheduling in high-value “filler content” on topics such as:

  • How the real estate process works for buyers, sellers, and investors
  • Important tips for people looking for vacation rentals
  • Important tips for buyers, sellers, and investors
  • Tips on managing closing costs
  • Real estate trends

Be sure to also include content that addresses your audience’s core problems.

Think back on previous client interactions — what were their greatest pain points? Address these in your content. You can also look up top real estate-related searches on each platform to optimize your social media content.

Post your real estate listings and showings in real time and keep an eye on them.

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Set aside time to engage with your followers and anyone who comments on these posts. You can also use a social media listening tool to pinpoint comments in real-time as they come in.

3. Leverage Your Network

Keep up with the hard-earned contacts you’ve generated in your personal and professional networks.

These may include former colleagues, mentors, and industry connections, as well as friends, neighbors, family members, and others.

Leverage these relationships to gain insight, access new opportunities, and receive guidance.

For instance, if you’re struggling to convert high-value leads into customers, reach out to your previous real estate mentors for support.

If you’re listing several homes in a specific area soon, contact the people you know who live in or near that zone. When you post, ask them to spread the word about your new listings.

You can also partner up with fellow real estate professionals. That may mean going door-to-door and splitting the commission if you earn a listing together. Or that may mean introducing each other to your networks. You can also refer clients to one another if you both have specific specialties.

For example, you might refer luxury home sellers in New York City to one of your industry connections. And they might refer buyers looking for vacation rental properties in upstate New York to you.

4. Dial in Your Local Business (and Your GBP)

Use local marketing techniques to position yourself as a trusted advisor in the communities you serve.

Here’s how to leverage your local business presence to build rapport and attract leads:

Optimize your Google Business Profile (GBP)

Verify and update your GBP listing with accurate business information. Use engaging visuals to make a lasting first impression.

Online Directories

Make sure your business information is consistent across online directories to boost visibility and credibility.

Social Media Engagement

Use social media platforms to engage with local customers, share property listings, and showcase your expertise in the real estate market.

Set Up Geo-Targeted Paid Ads

Reach target audiences in specific locations and attract qualified leads with geo-targeted ads.

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5. Meet HR Departments

Form strategic partnerships with HR departments at companies within the communities you target — and offer to help with new-hire relocations.

By proactively reaching out to HR Department heads, you can present yourself as a valuable resource for incoming employees looking for housing solutions.

For instance, hospitals and businesses searching for nationwide talent often overlook relocation companies. This gives you a prime opportunity to offer expertise in navigating the local real estate market.

For example, you can:

  • Help new hires find suitable housing options
  • Ease the new-hire transition process
  • Provide neighborhood insights

Plus, as a trusted advisor in relocation assistance, you broaden your client base and become the go-to expert for newcomers seeking housing solutions.

6. Create Helpful (and Optimized) Content

Use search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to create valuable and optimized content for your target audience.

People looking for real estate support services often turn to search engines for quick answers.

By strategically creating content that aligns with their search intent, you can appear in search engine results pages — and get one step closer to your ideal clients.

To boost your online visibility and drive organic traffic, be sure to:

  • Incorporate relevant search keywords in your content
  • Optimize meta tags and image descriptions
  • Improve your website performance score
  • Use local SEO to target specific geographical areas by:
    • Optimizing your website and blog posts with location-specific keywords
    • Creating localized content (i.e., “Top 10 Restaurants in Topeka, Kansas”)
    • Maintaining consistent business information across online directories

Implementing these strategies consistently can boost your website's local search rankings and help you attract leads seeking real estate services in your area.

7. Host Seminars or Webinars

Host live educational events, like seminars or webinars, to showcase your expertise, deliver valuable content, and build relationships with potential buyers and sellers.

To generate demand, consider focusing on topics like "How to Sell Your House Faster" or "How to Find the Best Real Estate Agent."

Promote these events via social media, email marketing, and your website to attract participants and drive engagement.

During your seminars or webinars, engage with attendees by asking questions, addressing their concerns, and providing actionable tips.

This is key to:

  • Foster an interactive and informative session
  • Build rapport with potential clients
  • Leave a lasting impression
  • Showcase your expertise

8. Participate in Local Charities or Events

Take part in local charities or events to increase your visibility, build relationships with potential clients, and establish a positive brand image.

For instance, you can:

Sponsor events

Reach out to local organizations, charities, and schools to sponsor events and showcase your support for the community. You can also create your own events with like-minded professionals in your area.

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Network with brand advocates

Engage with influencers and affiliate marketers that host live events in your community. You can also discuss potential in-person or virtual collaborations.

Join your chamber of commerce

Become a member of your local chamber of commerce to network with other businesses. Attend your area's relevant mixers, vendor shows, and ribbon cuttings to swap business cards and build meaningful relationships.

Build strategic partnerships

Partner with other businesses in the community you serve to build a positive image of your personal and professional brand. Brainstorm ways to help each other grow. For instance, you might build relationships with local lenders, title companies, and hotels and refer relevant prospects to one another.

The Magic of Lead Generation

Lead generation opens doors to new opportunities and fuels real estate business growth.

If you’re ready for a steady stream of leads in your pipeline, implement the strategies we shared in this article.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start with one strategy — get really good at it — and then try another. Or, consider hiring a part-time virtual assistant or lead generation agency to help you with some of the grunt work.

Whatever you do, don’t underestimate the importance of lead generation. Generating new sales leads is how you’ll not only stay afloat but also thrive as a real estate professional.

That's why it's pivotal to dedicate time every week to generating new leads.

For good measure, here’s a quick recap of the exact strategies we shared today:

  1. Cold Outreach - Not Just Cold Calling ○ Cold Emailing ○ Social Media Messaging ○ SMS ○ Direct Mail Campaigns
  2. Get Social (Media)
  3. Leverage Your Network
  4. Dial in Your Local Business (and Your GBP) ○ Optimize your Google Business Profile (GBP) ○ Online Directories ○ Social Media Engagement ○ Set Up Geo-Targeted Paid Ads
  5. Meet HR Departments
  6. Create Helpful (and Optimized) Content
  7. Host Seminars or Webinars
  8. Participate in Local Charities or Events ○ Sponsor events ○ Network with brand advocates ○ Join your chamber of commerce ○ Build strategic partnerships

Now it’s your turn ...

Start experimenting with these strategies to see what works for you.

Here’s to your success!